The title says it all, doesn't it? In this post you'll find the main characters of Truthwitch in kitty form. Why? Well... why NOT?!
MERIK. Our grumpy but really rather adorable royal kitty. He has a literal hissy fit if he doesn't get his catnip on time. He is also good friends with Grumpy Cat, of course. Also, the prince of Purr-brevna

ISEULT. Always content to play with a ball of thread. Although, her specialty is unraveling them rather than making them. She is the Meowsister of Safiya.

Legend has it that one Christmas, little Iseult was forced into wearing a festive outfit. She was not amused.

Safiya. Meowsister of Iseult and general badass. Headstrong and impulsive at times, she's the kind of kitty to try and catch a fish that's much more than twice her size. Silly kitty Safi.

Unfortunately, duties are really not fun for kitty Safiya.

Oh look! A picture of little Safi and Iseult!

BONUS! A very unhappy looking Kullen all dressed up for duty upon the Jana.

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