About Me


My name is Nicola, I am 21, awkward in the extreme and I've been blogging and reviewing for about two years now. I am from England, and yes, I AM addicted to tea. How much more stereotypical could I get, really? 
I created Queen of the Bookshelves (formerly known as Pandemonium Books), and other cool stuff such as the Fledgling Authors Chat (#FAC16). You can usually find me on Twitter promoting Truthwitch and other books. Or crying over books. I went to art college and collected a Foundation degree. (See mum? You CAN go places drawing just dragons!) 
I also write. I am currently working on two novels. One that contains, yes, dragons and kickass girls and gender-bending (Mulan meets Eragon!), and another that is full to the brim with faerie lore and lots of ice and snow. There's also floating glaciers, more dragons and lots of kissing. Because no story is complete with no kissing. Also, I'm rewriting an old story that is Six of Crows meets The Little Mermaid. I love it. Fantasy books are my kryptonite. I live and breathe strange and unique worlds.
I also run @HeirofFire and @Truthwitch on Twitter. Cool, huh?

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