Shady Characters Need Love Too
WARNING: This post contains information about character deaths and spoilers.
The villain, the shady character, the one who seems ominous and creepy... they're in every single book in some shape or form. Some of these characters are grey, neither good nor bad. Where some... well, yeah, they'll gut you in a heartbeat. Or chop you in half. So this week I shall share with you five of my favorite shady characters in books. They are in no particular order because some of these are still fighting viciously for the top spot.

Of course dear Jonathan is on this list. How could he not be? He is shady on level 1000. One of the most tragic figures in YA literature that I have ever read, and certainly one of my most memorable. His story really made my heart ache and throb. While his character is an absolute piece of incest-y sh*t, he's been crafted with such great care, his story flawless and agonizing. Following his tale broke me apart. There will always be questions about him, always. What would have he been like if his father hadn't decided to destroy him so utterly? Could he feel anything? Alas, we will never find out.
"I've never felt so... Light."
Fun fact: I have a tattoo relating to him! Where? Never ask.
No shady characters list is complete without Leigh Bardugo's Darkling. He positively exudes shadow and darkness... no joke. Take the Shadow Fold for example. He's one scary yet sexy dude. The Darkling makes you walk that fine line between love and hate. It's impossible to full-on love him, yet... it's impossible to wholly hate him! (What have you done to us all, Leigh?!) And of course, he's yet another tragic and damaged figure. A man that is not eligible for redemption, that's for sure. The ending of Ruin and Rising was painful, but very necessary. I will miss the Darkling and his sexy shadiness, that's for sure.
"Fine, make me your villain."
A new Shady McShadester that I discovered at the start of this year! I'm still not sure how I feel about him. His character is elegant yet sinister in a way only Sarah could achieve. His actions are both malicious at times, and helpful at others. But at the end of the day, he's certainly just looking out for himself and the Night Court. He's complicated, strangely hot and I very much look forward to reading more about him. I know I'll end up loving him eventually - this is Sarah J. Maas we're talking about here! ACOTAR 2 is certainly going to be interesting.
"Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don't feel anything at all.”

Oh yes, another shady shady shady boy from the majesty that is Leigh Bardugo. Now sadly, I can't tell you TOO much about this Bastard of the Barrel because the book hasn't hit the shelves just yet. But rest assured, he will give the Darkling a run for his money when it comes to creepiness. And sexiness. He's a character, like the Darkling, that you know you should dislike, but simply can't. Plus he's the first fictional guy in a book that actually caused me to gag and very nearly throw up. And I have a strong stomach. Good luck with this guy (and book!), ladies. You'll need it.
"When everyone knows you're a monster, you needn't waste your time doing every monstrous thing."

Of course Draco is here on the list. He was the first shady character I ever read. Or at least, can remember. He, his father and Lord Shady. Who doesn't know who Draco Malfoy is?! If you have never heard of his name before, his father will hear about this, make no mistake.
(Insert your fave Draco quote here)
Okay, so there's also a number six on this list. I could not help myself. And that spot goes to...

Aeduan is another character that only a small number of people have met, so I can't tell you much about him. But I will say that he has abs hard enough that you can bounce pennies off it. He's also a monk. NOT the kind that you're thinking about! Aeduan is a Carawen monk and he's a Bloodwitch, a type of Voidwitch. Sounds scary, right? Well... He's also called BAEDUAN by his online fans.
Fun fact: There's a scene in TRUTHWITCH where he's wearing nothing but his tattered and ruined shirt. He's also soaking wet. Ice may be required during this part of the book.
"Claim my Aether, guide my blade."
So that is my top 5 (well, six!) shady characters and villains. Who are your top 5?
I haven't met Kaz or Sebastian yet, though I mean to do that very soon! But I love that you put together this list of "shady" characters. I think they're often some of the most interesting to read about, particularly when an author manages to convey their complexity well.