Saturday, 29 August 2015


#FACSaturday Spotlight
THE CROWN'S GAME by Evelyn Skye
Today my lovely co-blogger Nicola hosted the first #FACSaturday chat with a spotlight feature of THE CROWN'S GAME by Evelyn Skye! For those of you who want to know more about the book, check out this post to see a full summary and information about joining The Tsar's Guard, Evelyn's Street Team! (I have signed up because 1) can't wait for this book and 2) WHAT A COOL NAME) I have decided to do a quick summary of the chat and the buzz around this book for those of you that missed it -- or for those of you that found it was difficult to keep up with the chat. Check out the questions and answers below...
Once everyone introduced themselves, it was all about the magic. Everyone was asked if they could have a magical power, what would it be? Some of my favourite answers were...

First impressions are a big deal, so the second question asked everyone what their first impressions of THE CROWN'S GAME were when they heard about it. For the record, mine was to IMMEDIATELY PREORDER IT (which wasn't possible at the time, but is now! I have left the links for this at the bottom of the post). Some of the other answers were...

Romance is always a key component to people's enjoyment of the novel, so the next question centred around that asking people what they wanted out of the romance between Vika and Nikolai's relationship. Here's what people thought...

World building is pretty huge with fantasy novels so of course the next question focused on what people expected to get out of the novel, whether it be fantastical magic, immersion in the time period, or something else entirely! People are really hoping for...

And last but not least people were asked what they thought the mysterious Tsar would be like. Some of their initial impressions were...

 And at the end of the chat, Evelyn filled us in on some EXCITING information!

Congratulations to Evelyn on her international sales! I cannot wait until Fall to see the cover of THE CROWN'S GAME, which is going to be beautiful!

It was a super fun chat and I enjoyed talking to all of y'all. A huge thank you to everyone who participated! If you missed this one, tell us in the comments what you are hoping for out of THE CROWN'S GAME.

And if you were super impressed by what we talked about today, why not preorder the book!
Amazon UK | Amazon US

See y'all next week (September 5th, 2015 at 2pm EDT) when we talk about 
OF FIRE AND STARS by Audrey Coulthurst!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

#FACSATURDAY SPOTLIGHT #1: The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye + signed ARC giveaway

FAC SATURDAY #1 - The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye

There are things more dangerous than a little magic...

For our first #FACSaturday, we will be discussing Evelyn Skye's THE CROWN'S GAME! Also, the lovely Evelyn herself has donated an ARC to give away!

 What is this book about? Read on, read on!
"Sixteen-year-old Vika Andreyev can summon the snow and turn ash into gold. Eighteen-year-old Nikolai Karimov can see through walls and conjure bridges out of thin air. They are enchanters, and with the Ottoman Empire and other enemies threatening Russia, the Tsar wants an enchanter by his side.

Two enchanters in the same generation, however, are a rarity. And a problem. There is only so much magic in Russia, and it cannot be diluted. So the Crown’s Game was invented, a duel of magical skill. The victor becomes the Imperial Enchanter and the Tsar’s most respected advisor. The defeated is sentenced to death.

The Crown’s Game is not one to lose.

Of course, they both want to win. Until now, Vika’s magic has been confined to her tiny island home, and she’s eager to showcase her skill in the capital city of St. Petersburg. It also doesn’t hurt that the competition allows her to express her mischievous streak. Nikolai, on the other hand, is a study in seriousness. As an orphan with not a drop of noble blood in his veins, becoming the Imperial Enchanter is an opportunity he could, until now, only dream of. But when Vika and Nikolai begin to fall for each other, the stakes change.

And then, the stakes change again, as secrets from both their pasts threaten to upset the balance of the Tsar’s—and the Russian Empire’s—power."

No cover just yet, but we all know that it's going to be a beauty.

You can already preorder THE CROWN'S GAME at a few sites:

How about joining Evelyn's street team, THE TSAR'S GUARD? Here is the Guard in Evelyn's own words:

"The Tsar’s Guard is an international army of pre-release fans of The Crown’s Game. They are the first to hear Crown’s Game news. They are ambassadors for the book. And they receive random, surprise gifts from Evelyn (like the limited edition bookmarks she commissioned, exclusively for the Guard.)

And rumor has it that there are more amazing things set to come.

So join this elite army, which boasts members all over the world (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, England, Italy, Scotland, Philippines, Ukraine, and the US, just to name a few.) The Tsar is always looking for more good soldiers."

As a member of the Guard, I can confirm that it is a LOT of fun. Interested in signing up? You can right HERE.

Plus, every month Evelyn reveals a brand-new character of THE CROWN'S GAME and adds an awesome giveaway to it! You can catch the current characters and future giveaways HERE.

And now... how about an INTERNATIONAL signed ARC giveaway of THE CROWN'S GAME? The winner will be announced during the #FACSaturday chat.

Are you as excited for THE CROWN'S GAME as we are? Hope to see you on Saturday!

About the author: Evelyn Skye is the author of THE CROWN'S GAME (HarperCollins/Balzer+Bray) and its sequel. She has a B.A. in Russian literature & history from Stanford University and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.
Evelyn was once offered a job by the CIA, she not-so-secretly wishes she was on "So You Think You Can Dance," and if you challenge her to a pizza-eating contest, she guarantees she will win. When she isn't writing, she can be found chasing after her daughter on the playground or sitting on the couch, immersed in a good book and eating way too many cookies.
Website | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook | Instagram

#FACSaturday & the return of #FAC16

Due to the overwhelming support of FAC16 (Fledgling Authors Chat 2016), we've decided to return before our planned final chat in January. So... what can you expect to see during this next round of chats?

  • The authors are now starting to receive swag and other goodies! And loads of them have very generously donated a mixture of signed and unsigned swag to be given away during this chat. 
  • We will be welcoming brand-new FAC16 authors into the fray. More Autumn and Winter releases! 
  • There will be a very special announcement during the chat. Won't say too much right now, but I assure you that it's well worth coming to see.
  • More fun questions! 
  • And of course, you'll be able to mingle with the lovely authors themselves AND meet other bloggers who are as excited as you are. 
#FAC16 will return...


We are BACK, baby! Sadly, just for one chat. But... if something falls through, it will be two chats. How exciting is that?

BUT! To fill those gaps between now and January, I'm proud to announce that #FACSaturday is happening. 

What is that, you ask?

During #FAC16, it's mayhem, basically. People miss out on certain books and authors because of how fast the tag is going. Naturally. So, in response to that, each Saturday (if nothing comes up) we will be spotlighting a certain #FAC16 book and author and chatting about it. This gives you the chance to:

  • Meet new bookish friends! 
  • Answer a few fun questions about the spotlighted book.
  • Support a brand-new author and spread excitement about their book.
  • Actually discover the book! There are a lot of #FAC16 books out there, so sadly we won't be able to cover ALL of them. But we will make a dent. 
  • Discuss the book, the theme, cover and what you're expecting to see/would like to see. 
  • As a bonus, the author might come along as well to answer any questions and gossip with us!
Of course, anyone and everyone is invited to attend and chat about the spotlighted book that weekend. It's all about fun, after all! Tell everyone, even your pets, to come along and help spread the news of these FANTASTIC new authors. If you have any posts about any of the authors, do feel free to share them so that I can post links to them. 

The first #FACSaturday will take place THIS Saturday. Times of other chats may change, so keep an eye on my Twitter account for updates.

Saturday the 29th of August at 2PM EST.

And the book we will be discussing is...


There will also be an INTERNATIONAL ARC GIVEAWAY OF THE CROWN'S GAME during this chat. Thank-you Evelyn! You never cease to make me squeal.

Read more about The Crown's Game right HERE.

Hope to see you at both chats! xo

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

ARC REVIEW: My Secret To Tell by Natalie D. Richards

Summary: There was blood on his hands. Where was the guilt in his eyes?

Emmie's had a crush on her best friend's brother forever. Deacon is the town bad boy who's always in trouble, but she sees his soft side when he volunteers with her at the local animal shelter. She doesn't think he's dangerous…until he shows up in her bedroom with blood on his hands.

Deacon's father has been violently assaulted and Deacon is suspect number one. Emmie's smart enough to know how this looks, but she also knows Deacon's biggest secret—he's paralyzed by the sight of blood. She's sure he didn't do this. Or did he? Because even Deacon's own sister thinks he's guilty…

Title: My Secret to Tell
Author: Natalie D. Richards
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Published: October 6, 2015
Rating: 4/5 stars
Amazon | Chapters | TBD

Sunday, 23 August 2015

ARC REVIEW: Sword and Verse by Kathy MacMillan

Summary: Raisa was only a child when she was kidnapped and enslaved in Qilara. Forced to serve in the palace of the king, she’s endured hunger, abuse, and the harrowing fear of discovery: everyone knows she is Arnath, but not that Raisa is a Learned One, a part of an Arnath group educated in higher order symbols. In Qilara, this language is so fiercely protected that only the King, the Prince, and Tutors are allowed to know it. So when the current Tutor-in-training is executed for sharing the guarded language with slaves, and Raisa is chosen to replace her, Raisa knows that—although she may have a privileged position among slaves—any slip-up could mean death.

That would be challenging enough, but training alongside Prince Mati could be her real undoing. And when a romance blossoms between them, she’s suddenly filled with a dangerous hope for something she never before thought possible: more. Then she’s propositioned by the Resistance—an underground army of slaves—to help liberate the Arnath people. Joining the rebellion could mean freeing her people…but she’d also be aiding in the war against her beloved—an honorable man that she knows wants to help the slaves.

Working against the one she loves—and a palace full of deadly political renegades—has some heady consequences. As Raisa struggles with what’s right, she unwittingly uncovers a secret that the Qilarites have long since buried…one that, unlocked, could bring the current world order to its knees.

And Raisa is the one holding the key.

Title: Sword and Verse
Author: Kathy MacMillan
Publisher: Harper Teen
Published: January 19th 2016
Rating: 5 stars

Thank-you Harper 360 on Twitter! I won this copy from them!

"I never knew Tyasha ke Demit, but her execution started everything."

Very rarely does a book of this caliber fall into one's hands. Kathy seamlessly blends romance with religion, creating a rich and vibrant world with unforgettable characters. I have truthfully never read a book that even comes close in comparison to this one because it's so very unique. Each character fitted into the story like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, the plot flowing flawlessly from one scene to another all the way to the incredible and extremely satisfying conclusion. Even after the book ended, the story still continued with me discovering new tidbits of information that Kathy had slipped in, testing us and our ability to spot them. SWORD AND VERSE is a novel full of hidden jewels for you to discover and enjoy long after you have turned the last page.

The characters of SWORD AND VERSE are not only diverse, but they are complex and beautiful. Raisa is a character that you will instantly care for and come to admire. And as for Mati? I dare you to not fall in love with that adorable Prince. And while we're on the subject of love, it's certainly not often I get so emotionally invested in a book couple. Raisa and Mati will give you heart palpitations. Their romance is an emotional roller-coaster of a ride that sometimes forced me put the book down for a moment simply because I was too afraid to read any further. Raisa and Mati. I shall ship them until the goddess reads out the scrolls.

Religion is a huge part of SWORD AND VERSE, and for someone like me who is not religious in the slightest and easily gets bored by these types of books, I was frightened. Frightened of being unable to appreciate the story due to it. But I can easily (and happily) say that even the most non-religious person will be captivated by Kathy's gods and goddesses. Their story enchanted me. SWORD AND VERSE is essentially a story within a story. And I think that's really quite magical and genius of Kathy.

Want to get even more of a feel of SWORD AND VERSE? Each of these pictures represents something, someone or a place that features in the book.

Embedded image permalink

Of course, there is MUCH more in this book to talk about, but we'll save that for the longer review when release days approaches, yeah? In short, this is a book to watch out for. I feel so very honored to be the first blogger/reviewer to read this truly beautiful piece of literature. The wait for the sequel is now on. Also, not only is this a magical book, but a #FAC16 book! 2016 is shaping up to be a killer year with such talented authors ready to burst onto the scene. If you get a chance to read this book, take it. Immediately.

Until next time, folks! For now I shall leave you with five massive, fat hearts.

Friday, 21 August 2015

ARC REVIEW: The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore

Summary: For twenty years, the Palomas and the Corbeaus have been rivals and enemies, locked in an escalating feud for over a generation. Both families make their living as traveling performers in competing shows—the Palomas swimming in mermaid exhibitions, the Corbeaus, former tightrope walkers, performing in the tallest trees they can find. 

Lace Paloma may be new to her family’s show, but she knows as well as anyone that the Corbeaus are pure magia negra, black magic from the devil himself. Simply touching one could mean death, and she's been taught from birth to keep away. But when disaster strikes the small town where both families are performing, it’s a Corbeau boy, Cluck, who saves Lace’s life. And his touch immerses her in the world of the Corbeaus, where falling for him could turn his own family against him, and one misstep can be just as dangerous on the ground as it is in the trees. 

Beautifully written, and richly imaginative, The Weight of Feathers is an utterly captivating young adult novel by a talented new voice.

Title: The Weight of Feathers
 Author: Anna-Marie McLemore
Publisher: Thomas Dunne
Published: September 15th 2015
Rating: 5/5 stars
Amazon | Chapters | TBD

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

WAITING ON WEDNESDAY: Starflight by Melissa Landers

Hi and happy Wednesday! This week I'm up for what I'm waiting on and I think I have a pretty good choice...

STARFLIGHT by Melissa Landers

Monday, 17 August 2015

ARC Review: A Sky Unbroken (Earth & Sky #3) by Megan Crewe

Summary: The rebels have been disbanded, their plans ruined. Betrayed by those she trusted most, Skylar finds herself herded, along with a small group of Earthlings, into a living museum—a human zoo—on the Kemyates’ space station, subject to her captors’ every whim. Any move Skylar makes could result in the extinction of her people—but giving in means losing any hope of freedom.

Meanwhile, Win returns home and evades punishment by pretending to be loyal to Kemya. But he can’t bear knowing that Skylar is imprisoned or watch his fellow Kemyates swallow the Council’s lies about Earth. He must bring the truth to the Kemyate public and see the Earthlings freed—even if it means openly challenging his world’s rulers.

In this final book of the action-packed Earth & Sky trilogy, neither Skylar nor Win knows they are about to uncover an even deeper conspiracy—one that could push the future they’re fighting for completely out of reach.

Title: A Sky Unbroken
Series: Earth & Sky #3

Author: Megan Crewe

Publisher: Amazon Skyscape

Published: October 13th 2015

Rating: 3/5 stars

Amazon | Chapters | TBD

Sunday, 16 August 2015

QotB Recommends: FANTASY BOOKS

So you are thinking about making the move into reading Fantasy novels but don't know where to go? I've got you covered! Not that I'm a certified expert, but I do have to say I have read a lot of fantasy novels (and own a lot -- enough to fill a bookcase and a half). I'm going to do this in three separate lists. Basics, Further Study, Back of the Bookshelf. 

"But Jamie, how do you define these?" you're asking. Well I do have an answer for that:
Basics are the books that are fantasy lite; they will help transition you into the genre and give you an understanding of the tropes/types of things you will see in most Fantasy novels. 

Further Study are the books/series that are heavier on the world building and character development; they are typically trilogies or short sagas so they won't fill up your shelves, just your hearts with love.

Back of the Bookshelf are the epic sagas that go so much deeper than world building. I have tried to make these ones the epic fantasies and the long sagas, but it also includes some books that are not as mainstream.
I'm going to limit each list to five books (or series) per list to not overcrowd you but if you want more let me know: I'm always good to rec a book. I am also going to ONLY place books on here that I have read and can actually recommend that you read -- I'm not a fan of recommending books I haven't read in case I categorize it wrong and/or don't like it because I wouldn't want you to read a book I didn't like. 

I also have no real logic or system behind this other than the fact that I think some of them are easier to read and get into than others. In a sense, you have to be almost "seasoned" to read some of the books on the second and third shelves -- mostly because then you can see the tropes and understand why an author did something or said something a certain way, or even understand some of the mythology or varying uses of magic ahead of time. A lot of reading Fantasy to me is trial and error and finding your niche. 

I tried to cover a wide spectrum of the genre so everyone could (hopefully) find something they want to read, but if you read all the summaries and think "NOPE" let me know and maybe I can find something more tailored to your Fantasy needs.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Blogger Bonanza Chat: What Is It?

Blogger Bonanza Chat

A chat for bloggers, by bloggers.

Friends are important. Very important. As a blogger, I found it hard to make any blogger friends when I first began posting. The whole idea of just talking to another blogger was so incredibly daunting due to my anxiety and general worrying. I was a shiny new blogger on the block with nothing attached to my name and only 5 page-views. Who would want to talk to me? Let alone be friends with me!

But I needn't have worried. Not long into blogging I made friends and then that led to even more blogger friends and to more opportunities. But I know that not everyone is that lucky, which brings me to this: The Blogger Bonanza Chat.

For two weeks (Sundays at 2PM EST), I will be hosting a chat for bloggers both new and old on my Twitter account (@thewickedpowers). Why? For you to make some new bookish friends! Because bookish friends are the most awesome and everyone needs at least one book-loving friend. Come and connect with other like-minded bloggers and people. Of course, it's not limited to just bloggers. Everyone is invited. Anyone and everyone. Don't be shy! This is what holds most people back when they try to make new friends. Ask that author you love for an interview, write that daring blog post that's been on your mind for ages. Do a post where your favorite book characters are now represented by pictures of cats. Be big, be bold. And most importantly, have fun!

There will be fun questions, tips and help for new bloggers. But feel free to start your own questions and threads with the #BloggerBonanzaChat or #BBChat hashtags. After all, this is to plant those seeds of friendship and help them bloom.

 If anyone would like to help out, or write a guest post about their blogging beginnings or offer help and tips to bloggers new and old, feel free to ask! Not only is it spotlighting your blog, you're helping some lovely people out. 

The blogging and reading community is one big (sometimes crazy!) family, after all! And it makes me sad to think about that not everyone has blogger/bookish friends online to share their love of literature with.

Thank-you for reading and hopefully see you on Sunday! 

ARC REVIEW: A Thousand Nights by E.K.Johnston


Summary: Lo-Melkhiin killed three hundred girls before he came to my village, looking for a wife. When Lo-Melkhiin - a formidable king - arrives at her desert home, she knows that he will take her beautiful sister for a wife. Desperate to save her sister from certain death, she makes the ultimate sacrifice - leaving home and family behind to live with a fearful man. But it seems that a strange magic flows between her and Lo-Melkhiin, and night after night, she survives. Finding power in storytelling, the words she speaks are given strange life of their own. Little things, at first: a dress from home, a vision of her sister. But she dreams of bigger, more terrible magic: power enough to save a king ...if only she can stop her heart from falling for a monster.

Title: A Thousand Nights
Author: A.K.Johnston
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Published: October 22nd 2015
Rating: Did Not Finish (DNF)

Thank-you Netgalley who sent me the eARC!

I had incredibly high expectations for this book, but unfortunately, it never delivered. At. All. It's never nice to not finish a book, is it? But sadly, some books call for it. A THOUSAND NIGHTS was one of them for me. Incredibly slow at the start, I thought that it would pick up very soon. But alas, it was not to be. By page 100 I simply could not make myself read more. Nothing convinced me that reading on was a good idea.
There was a whole host of things that put me off this book. For one thing, I don't recall the protagonist ever saying her name? Or what Lo-Melkhiin even looked like? The whole 'Lady-Bless' situation every five seconds was the most hair-pulling thing I've read so far this year. The protagonist seemed to be more than obsessed with her sister. There was probably a reason why but I ended up skimming pages every time that her sister was mentioned. Which was a lot. I just didn't dig the characters. There didn't seem to be any plot to the overwhelming amount of description.

So, in short, this book and its characters need a thousand more nights to develop. 

Thursday, 13 August 2015

What has 12 arms, 12 legs, and 12 eyes?

A dozen pirates! 

So you want to read a book with (sexy) pirates but you aren't sure where to go? The authors of #FAC16 seem to have you covered! We here at Queen of the Bookshelves know exactly what the readers want (sexy pirates) so we have compiled a nice list to help you fulfill all your (sexy pirate) needs!
Blackhearts by Nicole Castroman
Expected Publication Date: February 9, 2016
Publisher: Simon Pulse

BLACKHEARTS is a Blackbeard origin story, taking place in England, not the Carribean. It is his pre-pirate story -- and what Nicole imagines made him into the pirate that instilled fear into the hearts of all sailors.

Nicole has a PINTEREST page specifically for this book. You can also find her on TWITTER, probably talking about Poldark.

Summary: Blackbeard the pirate was known for striking fear in the hearts of the bravest of sailors. But once he was just a young man who dreamed of leaving his rigid life behind to chase adventure in faraway lands. Nothing could stop him—until he met the one girl who would change everything. This is their story.

Edward "Teach" Drummond, son of one of Bristol's richest merchants, has just returned from a year-long journey on the high seas to find his life in shambles. Betrothed to a girl he doesn’t love and sick of the high society he was born into, Teach dreams only of returning to the vast ocean he’d begun to call home. There's just one problem: convincing his father to let him leave and never come back.

Following her parents' deaths, Anne Barrett is left penniless and soon to be homeless. Though she’s barely worked a day in her life, Anne is forced to take a job as a maid in the home of Master Drummond. Lonely days stretch into weeks, and Anne longs for escape. How will she ever realize her dream of sailing to Curaçao—where her mother was born—when she's stuck in England?

From the moment Teach and Anne meet, they set the world ablaze. Drawn to each other, they’re trapped by society and their own circumstances. Faced with an impossible choice, they must decide to chase their dreams and go, or follow their hearts and stay.

Does this sound like something you want to read? Preorder it!