Title: Wings
Author: Elizabeth Richards
Published on: June 12th 2014
Genre: Young Adult
Stars: 4.5
Summary: Following the cliffhanger ending of Phoenix, Natalie finds herself separated from Ash and unexpectedly reunited with her parents, including the father she thought was dead. But she can only think of Ash. She hasn't heard a word of him since she and Elijah were brought to the underground headquarters of the Sentry Rebellion. But she vows to find him.
Ash, meanwhile is back in Black City; it's the perfect place to hide from the Sentry government. But not for long. He won't give up on Natalie or bringing an end to the terrible reign of Purian Rose.
Thank you to the author for sending me an advance copy!
First of all, have you seen that cover? It's literally eyeporn. Also, it's very relevant to the story. Once you've read it, you'll certainly look at it with new eyes.
WINGS was a thrill ride with twists and turns I never could have even imagined in Black City and Phoenix. The secret of the Ora is revealed, and I tell you right now, you won't believe half of what you read.
Also in WINGS, there is a new POV! His name is Edmund and his POV is set 30 years, and that is all I'm saying. Prepare for screaming, book throwing and jaw dropping where he's concerned. Ash and Natalie POV is, of course, included again. Separated at the end of PHOENIX, Ash is carrying on looking for the Ora while searching for Natalie along the way. Natalie is stuck in the Sentry rebel stronghold, going out of her head wanting to search for Ash with Elijah in tow.
For me, this book was messier than the other two. Things were wrapped up somewhat nicely throughout the book, but there's still something about it that I didn't like.Certain parts seemed thought up at the last moment rather than thought out since the beginning. Not my favourite book of the trilogy, but still an amazing read and the fact there will never be another Black City novel saddens me immensely. There is so much more that could happen after the ending of WINGS. Questions I had throughout the book sadly didn't get answered, which did frustrate me, because they're the questions all fans will be wondering when they finish WINGS.
The story itself is 4 stars and the cover gained a 0.5 stars all by itself. Amazing book and this, sadly, marks the end of the Black City trilogy
(a more detailed review will come when the book has been published)
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