Contact Me

If you would like to contact me about anything books or blog related please email me at: QueenOfTheBookshelves(at) gmail (dot) com. Additionally, you can also find me on Twitter at @Thewickedpowers

Note to Authors/ Publishers.

I am a UK based blogger.

I would love to read and review as many books as possible, but due to time, I simply cannot. As I am not able to accept all the requests I get, please read the guidelines below before sending in a request to the email provided below:

  • I only review young adult and new adult books, with a sub genres:dystopianromancecontemporary fictionscience-fictionfantasy or anything similar.
  • I am now accepting colouring books and other products that you would like me to advertise on my site. 
  • I will NOT review any erotica or genres that I have no interest for.
  • I prefer physical copies of the books, whether they are ARCs or books already published. But if it must be an eARC, I will accept.
  • will consider self-published and books written by Indie authors.
  • I post honest reviews.
  • In the review, it will include: title, authorpublication datepublishing house, cover artwork,synopsis and my thoughts and the genre (YA/NA).
  • Reviews will also feature on my Goodreads account. 
  • If there is a reason I cannot review this book, I shall state why.

 I’m also more than happy to take part in blog tours, author interviews and other promotional posts. Just shoot me an email. 

Please don't be offended if I take longer than usual to reply to your emails during early July/August 2016 

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